Monday, April 29, 2013

Business Storage Solutions

Are you overflowing in paperwork and need helpful solutions for storage...Fellows has some great tips for you!

Find these products at Walker's Office Supplies

How to Select the Right Chairmat

Looking for the answer on how to select the right Chairmat?  Look no further...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Genuine Joe Products

Have you ever used any Genuine Joe Products?  They have something for every job...big and small!

Joe’s Videos « Genuine Joe

Become a Nerd too!

Most people think office supplies are boring, I don't blame you! Pens and Pencils don't exactly create a rush of excitement.  However, most couldn't make it through more than an hour before they use an office product.  No matter what your job I'm willing to bet you already used a pen today, or a piece of paper. Maybe you did some cleaning in the office or printed a document for a meeting.  Maybe your a stay at home mom (or dad!) and you took down a message or made a grocery/to-do list...okay you get the point!

This is why I proudly declare myself and Office Supply Nerd...become one of the herd with me and many others! I'll do my very best to post interesting and helpful information from the latest office tools to how to best choose your office furniture.  If you like what you see...feel free to comment and share!


 - The Nerd